How To Go Paperless In The Process Of Renting Property

In 2019, it’s easier to go paperless, as you have the tools, power and plenty of users who are ready to adopt advancement in every industry. To make the future brighter and green, it is recommended to avoid the use of paper. But how?

Simple – Go Digital!

There is a notion that it’s hard for the property renting industry to work without paper, right? Well, it’s a myth now, because RentScribe is giving you the option to go paperless and reduce the painful paperwork process in renting. Scroll down to know how RentScribe is helping to make the world greener.

Always Go For Digital Version
When renting the property, it’s best to go with the digitized lease agreement. RentScribe gives you the benefit of e-signature on the digital lease agreement which makes it easy for both the parties to avoid the usage of paper as well as unnecessary trips for one signature on a piece of paper. Digital Lease agreement can be downloaded by both the parties for future reference through RentScribe.

Manage Maintenance And Repair Problems Digitally
Use RentScribe for maintenance and repair. Yes, you get plenty of benefits under one roof. You don’t have to do any paper work, just register with RentScribe and do it digitally. The maintenance and repair services are convenient and cost-effective here.

Get The Alternative For Rent Payment Through Cheque
Start paying the rent online, this is not only useful in avoiding the usage of the paper but also offer secure payment transactions. At RentScribe, you can pay and receive the rent online securely through credit card and bank account. It’s very simple and safe.

Avoid Collection Of The Rent Receipts
Say goodbye to the ancient method of maintaining a file of paper rent receipts. At RentScribe, generate the rent receipt when you need it. Go digital and avoid unnecessarily usage of paper .

Become More Time Efficient
Instantly share the queries related to the property with the Lister/Owner through RentScribe inbuilt message option and save your time. It’s the fastest, convenient and safest way to communicate without sharing your contact details. Forget the concept of mailing the letter to the Lister/owner, just drop the message and get the reply.

We hope you are convinced with this digital concept and will start using RentScribe for your next renting process. It’s time to digitize!


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