Ever Thought Of Using A Credit Card For Rent Payment In India? Consider It Now!

As per the recent records, Credit card usage drives on digital boost, which has increased the usage up to 27%. This clearly displays that Indians know the benefits of using a credit card and utilizing it.

Mostly we use the credit card for shopping online as well as offline. In India, at the time of festivals, the discounts and points which are being offered by credit card companies give us the motivation to shop from our credit card and earn every benefit associated with it.

A recent survey has shown that not only shopping, but Indians are using the credit card for paying bills online like electricity, water bill, etc. But have you ever thought that even your RENT payment can be done online through credit card? Surprised! Yes, it’s a fact, you can even pay your rent through credit card.

RentScribe gives you this option and it takes less than 10 minutes to pay your rent through credit card. Now you must be thinking why I should use my credit card to pay rent, right? Well, for that let’s go through some benefits which you can gain:

Secure Alternative To Cash
Carrying big cash is quite risky. What if your wallet gets lost or stolen and there is no possibility of recovering it? But with a credit card, there is no such risk, if it gets lost you can contact the concerned bank and your card gets hotlisted so that no one can use it. It’s very much secured and saves you from situations when you don’t have cash.

Free Credit Period
Have you ever experienced the situation when your landlord is sitting on your head for rent but you are out of cash? This is the time when you need a platform that allows you to pay rent through credit card. Do it with RentScribe and enjoy 45-56 days of free credit period. Means no interest will be charged on your card for the credit period.

Reward Points
Imagine the situation when you are getting rewards while paying your rent. Exciting! This situation can become reality if you start paying your rent through credit card. As you will be earning points and can redeem them on items, gifts, vouchers, etc.

Credit score increases
The long-term benefit of using your credit card for paying rent is that you build a good credit score. A good credit score is beneficial in the renting process. Lister’s do check your credit score to know your financial credibility. Therefore, owning a credit card and using it to pay your rent is a prudent decision.

The above-mentioned benefits must have driven you to choose the platform from where you can pay your rent using your credit card. Register with RentScribe and see how digitally you can do all the activities needed in the renting process which was a nightmare earlier.

Steps to follow to pay your rent using credit card through RentScribe:
• Register with us.
• Add your credit card.
• Add the property you are acquiring as a renter.
• Upload your KYC.
• You are all set to pay your rent using your credit card.

If you feel you are stuck somewhere and need assistance. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at support@rentscribe.com.


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